Thanks for the suggestion. My client wants PowerPoint so they can modify the 
slides downstream.


> Do you need all of the bells and whistles in PowerPoint? If not, just
> use FrameMaker and PDF. Use disconnected pages with three workflows -
> one for the slide material, one below that for viewer notes, and one
> below that for presentation notes. Generate a PDF of all three workflows
> for the presentation notes. Crop the bottom workflow out leaving just
> the two top workflows and save that PDF as the viewer notes. Crop both
> of the bottom workflows out and save that PDF as the presentation. Run
> the presentation PDF in full screen mode. Your situation will determine
> if you can live without the PowerPoint bells and whistles, but if you
> can, it saves tons of time. If you can't....well good luck!
> KJ
> Kathleen Johnson | Technical Writer
> office 813.854.3584 | fax 813.854.3645 | kjohnson at
> Double-Take Software

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