Maxwell Hoffmann wrote:
> Matt,
> Another major benefit of structured FrameMaker is "context sensitive
> formatting," which I believe was mentioned before by another forum
> member. An added detail is that you can reuse "generic" element tags
> which will look dramatically different in different contexts.
Hi, Matt:

Maxwell's point and example about how useful context-sensitive 
formatting rules can be is right on. However, this ability to interpret 
the rules you create in your EDD, blurs the line between several aspects 
of structured FrameMaker. Structured element design is required so the 
rules know each element's "identity," or definition. The rules can't 
function without clear instructions and clear identification of each 

It's something like you can't have a terrific automatic 
zillion-position-adjustable-programmable-memory car seat without having 
the car, the power to run the seat, and having spent the time learning 
to adjust the seat, to capture the settings for each user, and how to 
recall each user's setting.

Context-sensitive formatting is terrific! No doubt about it. But, you 
get the most return on your learning investment by having documents that 
often require the kind of manual effort that's worth turning over to the 
smart rules-inforcer, to gain efficiency.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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