
I had been looking at the "offending" paragraphs, the ones that were
actually indented, and after reading your response, I realized that
the Headers perhaps needed to be re-set to "in column."


On 2/21/07, Rene Stephenson <rinnie1 at> wrote:
> Clarifying... You have no sideheads in any text flows on any master pages,
> but when you reapply master pages, you don't get prompted to remove
> overrides, and yet the sideheads persist...?
> If I'm correctly understanding your case, I'd try opening the template that
> has no sideheads and do File > Import page layouts with both remove options
> selected. If that doesn't fix it, I'd start prowling through the paragraph
> designer to make sure that none of the paragraph formats use the pagination
> setting for Side Head-Alignment.
> Try those, if you haven't already...
> Rene Stephenson
> Elisa Sawyer <ascribe at> wrote:
> I'm trying to completely remove room for sideheads from a set of Frame
> 7.2 files. In the O'Keefe and Loring "Complete Reference," it mentions
> that there should be a pop-up that asks me whether I want to remove
> the master page overrides. It's not happening, and the room for
> sideheads is still there even though Frame tells me there are no
> overrides. any ideas?
> --
> Elisa R. Sawyer
> ~~~~~^~~~~~
> Senior Technical Writer
> "All true things must change, and only that which changes remains
> true." -- Carl Jung
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Elisa R. Sawyer
Senior Technical Writer
"All true things must change, and only that which changes remains
true." -- Carl Jung

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