Hi Gordon...

I've just uploaded a plugin to our website that checks the file system's 
read-only flag and notifies you if it's set. For more info ..


This plugin is free.



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Gordon McLean wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are using Tortoise SVN to version control our FM files. It's mainly
> working fine but we are having problems getting FrameMaker to detect a
> locked file. You can set files to be locked when you edit them, but
> FrameMaker doesn't seem to pay any attention to the lock UNTIL you try and
> save the file. So you could open a locked file, work on it for an hour or
> two and only be notified when you try and save it. Not ideal.
> What we think is happening is that the file being locked is set to
> 'read-only', but FrameMaker isn't detecting that, as it has an internal
> locking mechanism which looking for files that are currently being edited by
> others. So it seems to be ignoring the read-only files.
> My question is: Is there anyway to get FrameMaker to flag, ON OPEN, whether
> a file is read-only or not. Or is this not a FrameMaker issue at all but a
> 'nuance' of Tortoise?
> Any and all suggestions gratefully welcomed. This isn't a showstopper but
> very much in the 'annoyance' category!
> Thanks in advance,
> Gordon McLean
> Technical Author
> Graham Technology
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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