Dennis Davideit wrote:

> A couple week ago, my "Marker" dialog box suddenly 
> disappeared. That is, when I click Special > Marker, the 
> Marker dialog box does not appear.
> The other dialogs in the Special menu display correctly 
> (Anchored Frame, Cross Reference, etc).

You probably inadvertently moved it off-screen. Or maybe changed your
display resolution to the same effect. To fix it, open maker.ini in a
text editor. In the [DialogLayout] section, there is a line like this:

Markers=997, 400 

Your numbers are probably different (bigger). They specify the location
on screen of the upper left corner of the dialog. I don't recall if it's
horizontal, then vertical, or the other way around. Change them to
something reasonable, like:

Markers=200, 200

Save and close maker.ini, and start (or restart) FM. That should fix it.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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