
Thank you for your concern and sorry for the misunderstanding.

I am using the Distiller 7 that came with FM. I also have installed
Acrbat 6 pro. The odd thing though is that it seems that FM can see
the old joboptions, but Distiller 7 can only see the ones that reside
in its own default folder.

However, I have been promised Acrobat 8 within the week, so I will
check that one out as I said in an earlier posting. If that does not
resolve the problem I will probably have to "iron" the hard drive as
we say over here and do a clean install of everything.

Maybe the plethora of updates (security and insecurity) of XP is doing
some tricks on the system that influences FM in a disturbing way.
Anyway, this behavior seems to be increasing. I have never before had
this sort of situation with FM 7.2 that I could not find a way around
with the help of the friends on the list or otherwise.

For the present manual, this is not a great problem. I had printed the
book several weeks ago in the same way without any problems, but found
out that I had been a little bit hasty about the TOC, so I had to
update the book and rerun the TOC and replaced it in the pdf file for
printing. Now I am only trying to print the book in order to have the
hyperlinking work in the pdf. But since it is primarily a hard copy
document, this is not such a big issue.


On 6/4/07, Art Campbell <art.campbell at> wrote:
> Bodvar,
> Actually, I was asking if you were using the Distiller instance that
> ships with FM, or if you have a complete Acrobat installation...
> Art
> On 6/1/07, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <bodvar at> wrote:
> > My FNTCACHE.DAT was only 767 kb this morning. I deleted it
> > nevertheless and rebooted. Now it is the same size as before (767 kb).
> > And I am trying to print again.
> > Result: Crash at the same point as before, page 13 in chapter 3. :-(
> >


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