Angela Akridge wrote: 

> I have a strange behavior with my Frame 7.2 (Unstructured) 
> tables. One row, in the table has a page worth of data in one 
> column. This data runs off the page. The table eventually 
> continues onto the next page, but the missing data (the data 
> that ran off the page) doesn't continue. I've never seen this 
> behavior. I changed the table properties (orphans, start, 
> etc), but that doesn't fix the problem. Any idea what the cause is?

You've never seen this because you've never had a row that won't fit on
a page. FM doesn't allow a table row to span pages -- never has. 

If you can't reduce the contents of the oversized cell to something more
reasonable, you'll have to fake it. Add a new row below the problem row.
Cut part of the oversized cell's contents and paste it into the
corresponding cell of the new row. Then use Custom Ruling and Shading
settings to hide ruling lines between the two rows so they look like



Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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