Okay! The row/column has way to much data to begin with. I've inherited a
command reference guide, and it's loaded with long tables. Gosh, MSWord
handles my tables perfectly. Hmmm. Never thought I'd like any aspect of MS
Word over Frame.


On 6/7/07, Ridder, Fred <fred.ridder at intel.com> wrote:
> This is FrameMaker behaving as it is designed. A single table
> row never, EVER, breaks across more than one page.
> If you have more content than what fits on one page, you
> must manually break the row into two rows that will fit. And
> you must manually adjust that row break if the page break
> moves due to text re-flow.
> The same thing is true of vertical straddles, BTW. If a straddled
> cell is too tall to fit on a single page, some of the non-straddled
> cells will disappear off the bottom of the page.
> I wish it weren't so, but this is the way it has always been.
> My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
> Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com)
> Intel
> Parsippany, NJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel.com at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces+fred.ridder=intel.com at lists.frameusers.com] On
> Behalf Of Angela Akridge
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:13 PM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: What Causes Table Data To Run Off Page?
> I have a strange behavior with my Frame 7.2 (Unstructured) tables. One
> row,
> in the table has a page worth of data in one column. This data runs off
> the
> page. The table eventually continues onto the next page, but the missing
> data (the data that ran off the page) doesn't continue. I've never seen
> this
> behavior. I changed the table properties (orphans, start, etc), but that
> doesn't fix the problem. Any idea what the cause is?
> Thank you,
> Angela

Angela Akridge
angela.akridge at gmail.com
408/393-9249 (cell)
Loans that change lives

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