I've not had the greatest luck using CorelDraw graphics directly in
Frame--most of the manuals I've been editing recently were created by
my predecessor and the graphics were linked tif's which were
originally AutoCAD drawings opened in CorelDraw, edited, then exported
as tif's. However, regarding trying other output formats, recently I
tried exporting graphics from CorelDraw as wmf's, choosing text in the
"export text as" dialog box (as opposed to curves). Seems to work well
for me.

Lise Bible

On 5/29/07, Steve Rickaby <srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> At 10:51 +0300 29/5/07, Shmuel Wolfson wrote:
> >I have a Frame document with several embedded CorelDraw graphics. In some of 
> >the graphics, the text is very choppy. That is, each letter is a series of 
> >short lines. This text looks very bad. In other CorelDraw graphics in the 
> >same document, the text is fine. Does anyone have any ideas when or why this 
> >happens, or how to avoid it. Thanks
> Shmuel... I have a vague memory of seeing this in Corel documents long ago. I 
> would guess [emphasize: guess] that the most likely cause is that the text in 
> question has been converted into outlines, and then the graphics files have 
> been created from Corel Draw in a form that FrameMaker can use by a 
> sub-optimal output filter. There is a parallel issue with, for example, 
> Visio, in which some versions [all?] of Visio produce poor Postscript.
> If this is the case, your only recourses are:
> . Revisit the original artwork, if it is available, to try other output 
> formats
> . Edit the relevant diagrams in, say, Illustrator, to replace the bad text.
> --
> Steve
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