Well, 7-8 weeks is sort of in a grey area, I think. Adobe and most
other vendors that I'm familiar with will give you at least a 30-day
window; Adobe sometimes extends the window beyond that.

However, I disagree that "we all knew that Adobe knew" when the Suite
was shipping; if they  actually had, they probably would have
announced it when they shipped FM 8 in order to make a bigger splash.
I suspect that the actual date and release info was dependent on other
software packages' readiness, so I don't think you were a victim of a

That said, since you ordered online, I think I'd look into what your
credit card company can do for you if you're not satisfied with the
product you purchased. Also, I'd ring Adobe back and insist on
speaking with a supervisor in sales and work out an upgrade path...


P.S. It's generally not a great idea to cross-post to a bunch of lists
as you did, because it means that many people who respond will get
annoying junk messages from the lists to which they don't belong.

On Nov 6, 2007 5:10 PM,  <richard.melanson at us.tel.com> wrote:
> I just got off the phone with Adobe and I don't feel good about the answer I 
> received. I purchased FrameMaker 8 seven or eight weeks ago. I got it pretty 
> quickly after it was released. I paid the full online price and I downloaded 
> the file from Adobe. Well, I just called and asked what could Adobe do for me 
> as I want to purchase the Tech Comm Suite. Their answer was NOTHING. Now we 
> all know that Adobe KNEW when I bought FrameMaker 8 that the Tech Comm suite 
> was coming out, why did they make me spend all my money. For almost the same 
> price as I purchased the FrameMaker 8 license, I could have purchased the 
> entire suite if I waited a few weeks. I do have one of the qualifying 
> products to get the upgrade price for the Tech Comm Suite. I just think this 
> is bad business. anyone else have this issue or on the other side of the 
> coin, do you guys think I am unrealistic to be upset. Thank you all for your 
> thoughts.
> Rick
> _______________________________________________

Art Campbell                                             art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
               and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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