I got no response to the below post. Is this such a well-known FrameMaker bug 
that it merits no response? Did I get you all on a bad day? Or am I just being 

Don't answer that last one.


William Abernathy wrote:
> I assume there is some very important reason for the following behavior.
> [Frame 7.2, WinXP, Unstructured]
> When I italicize a chapter or section heading using the CTRL-I, the 
> generated TOC file does not retain the formatting, but maintains the 
> cross-reference all the way to the end of the line. Hence:
> 4.1 Heading with /Italic/ Text
> renders as:
> 4.1 Heading with Italic Text.......22
> in the TOC, with the whole line linking to the heading on p. 22, but the 
> word Italic now rendered in roman.
> If, on the other hand, I use an Italic (Emphasis) character format, I 
> get the formatting in the generated TOC, but the link breaks at the tag 
> boundary. The generated TOC line thus appears as:
> 4.1 Heading with /Italic/ Text........22
> However, the link breaks at the boundary between "with" and "Italic."
> It there any way around this? Call me a dreamer, but I really want the 
> formatting to come through *and* the link not to be broken when I 
> generate a TOC.
> Thanks in advance.
> --William Abernathy

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