In my company there are four manuals that have several chapters that are 
almost identical. I created four separate book files (one for each 
manual), with some of the chapters unique to each book, and some 
chapters shared between the four books. In the shared chapters, I use 
conditional text for each manual to mark the differences between the 

One thing I like is that I can condition an entire table as manual A and 
manual B (by conditionalizing the table marker), then mark one row as 
manual A and a different row as manual B, and the table appears in both 
manuals, with the appropriate rows displayed.

Two things I don't like:
1. When I conditionalize a table marker, it's very hard to see the 
conditional indicator.
2. When I conditionalize a table row, I can search for the row by search 
for that conditional text type. To me, that is a big drawback, and I 
often end up conditionalizing the text in the row instead of the table  
row, which is more time consuming.

Shmuel Wolfson

David Valiulis wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here at Adobe we're looking for real-world uses of conditional text.
> We'd be very interested in a summary of some of the interesting uses out
> there, including the condition tags you've defined and the output
> desired. We'd also like to hear of any limitations you've encountered in
> either Frame 7 or Frame 8.
> For example, you might say...
> "I work on a doc set that must output to print and to the web in two
> different versions, Mac and Windows. We've set up 6 conditions:
> WinPrint, WinWeb, WinBoth, MacPrint, MacWeb, and MacBoth."
> Many thanks.
> /dave valiulis
> Adobe systems
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