So, I'm preparing presentation to my CTO (my direct mgr) on whether or
not to upgrade from 7.0p579 to v8.0 or to go with a different HATT...
(BTW, I am also prepping a pres on structured authoring for many
reasons, but partly because of cheaper tools.) and wonder how I fit this
information into the pres. As an author, I certainly understand that it
appears Robo & Frame get fewer resources, makes my job potentially more
challenging, but in my one-man shop, and being new OTJ les than 2
months, I'd like to make sure I'm on solid ground with whatever
recommendation I take to my boss.

-----Original Message-----
[ at] On
Behalf Of Fred Ridder
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 1:33 PM
To: Fred Wersan; framers at
Subject: RE: I'm impressed with Adobe

And meanwhile, on the HATT list, there's a list member who has 
posted nearly two dozen messages complaining beiiterly about
how RoboHelp was not included in the list of Adobe products
in their most recent SEC 10-K filing, nor is it included in the 
categorized list of Adobe products in the documents on the 
Adobe investor relations website. 

It's pretty clear that the marginal products in Adobe's product 
line don't get consistent attention from the corporate level of 
Adobe. But if you look at some of the data that is available in
the investor relations part of the Adobe website, the reason 
seems pretty clear. According to these figures, the category
of Adobe products called "Other", which includes among a 
half-dozen truly minor products such applications as FrameMaker,
PageMaker, Captivate, Director, Freehand, and presumably 
RoboHelp, accounts for less than 10% of Adobe's revenue. The 
"Creative Solutions" category is where all the action is, with
some 56% of revenue and glamorous products like Photoshop, 
InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator. And the real cash 
cow is the "Knowledge Worker Solutions" segment--basically 
Adobe Acrobat--which generates more than 25% of Adobe's
revenue by itself. 

> Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:37:25 -0400> From: fwersan at> To:
framers at> Subject: Re: I'm impressed with Adobe> >
If you have had any doubts about where FrameMaker fits in the Adobe >
product line, just look at the add in the latest issue of Technical >
Communication for Robohelp (It's a few pages in from the beginning, says
> DivX, Inc. at the top)> > "... Adobe RoboHelp software--the core of
the Adobe technical > communicator product line....."> > Fred> -- > Fred
Wersan> Senior Technical Writer> MAK Technologies> 68 Moulton St.>
Cambridge, MA 02138> 617-876-8085>
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