Jo Watkiss wrote:

> I had a look in the Frame print dialogue but can't see an option to
print a
> single file or separate files - maybe this is something introduced
> than Frame 6.0?

FM7.2 has a Print Book As setting, and you can choose Single Print Job
or Separate Print Job for Each Document. IIRC, in FM6 you made it
separate jobs as Art said, by putting an asterisk in the name field. I
think the behavior when you didn't specify Print to File was to print
the book as one job (assuming you initially chose the Print Book
command), but can't swear to it.

> I have found a work around though - which is to print to file
targetting a
> different printer (ie. not Adobe PDF) - and then running that file
> distiller.

Bad, bad, bad idea! This means you're generating PostScript specific to
that printer and with the limitations of that printer. For instance, if
you picked a monochrome printer, your PDFs will have no color. There'll
be unprintable areas of the page specific to that printer's paper
handling characteristics. The PostScript code may target specific
characteristics of that physical printer, causing file bloat or odd
behavior in the resulting PDF. Etc., etc., etc. 

_Always_ use Adobe PDF for PDFs. 

Anyway, if changing to a different printer driver changed your output
from separate chapter PDFs to a single book PDF, then something's wrong

You might want to review your steps and check all settings in both
procedures to see if anything else was different between the two
scenarios besides the printer driver. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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