No problem sir, we are all human. Thank you for being a gentleman and replying 
to my post. 


        From: Dennis Brunnenmeyer [mailto:dennisb at] 
        Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 2:11 PM
        To: TEI Melanson, Richard; framers at
        Subject: RE: Working with Images


        You are very correct about my brashness. My apologies to all of you. I 
was anxious to try and squelch some misconceptions and got carried away. David 
Creamer was particularly incensed with me because he thought I was aiming the 
whole rant at him. This was not the case, of course, but I can see his point. 
in the meantime, he and I have called a truce, as we both have better things to 

        At 06:26 AM 2/6/2008, richard.melanson at wrote:

                Dude, you may be the expert on this, and the info you supplied 
in your response is so good I am saving it, but how about a little respect for 
everyone on the list. I believe whatever anyone said in an attempt to help they 
believed to be accurate and helpful. To say and I quote you "Well, I've had 
enough of this nonsensical babble. None of you seem to understand what you are 
talking about when it" is a little strong. Life is too short, take a deep 
breath and enjoy!!

                -----Original Message-----
                From: framers-bounces at [ 
mailto:framers-bounces at <mailto:framers-bounces at> ] On Behalf Of Dennis Brunnenmeyer
                Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 2:37 PM
                To: David Creamer; framers at
                Subject: RE: Working with Images

                Rant begins...

                Well, I've had enough of this nonsensical babble. None of you 
seem to understand what you are talking about when it comes to dealing with 
screenshots and raster images, (a.k.a. bitmapped images) as opposed to vector 
or llne art.

                First of all, display devices, whether printers or monitors, 
have an upper limit on their ability to resolve (print or display) image 
detail, which by the way is what "resolution" is a measure of...meaningful 
detail. The best my aging but faithful laser printer can do is 600 dpi, while 
my uppity LCD monitor can display up to 100 dpi, with its1600 x 1200 native 
resolution on an LCD panel that is exactly 16" wide x 12" tall."  You cannot 
see nor capture anything and create a screenshot image with higher resolution 
than the display device. You cannot print anything with higher resolution than 
the printer can resolve. If you feed a high resolution image to a medium 
resolution printer, it will interpolate (resample) the image down to medium 
resolution quality. It has to, as it cannot put all of that information on 
paper. If you take an very high resolution (total pixel count) image of size 
4000 x 3000 pixels (12 megapixels) and display the full image it on a monitor 
mine, you will
                not see all of detail in the image and hence you will not be 
able to capture all of the detail in a screenshot.

                Most of you seem to appreciate this, but some of you think you 
can improve resolution by artificial means. No, you cannot.

                A true measure of the resolution of an image is the original 
size of the image in total pixels, assuming it is true to begin with. That is, 
assuming a perfect digital camera with a perfect lens and the ability to 
produce a "raw" bitmap (rather than a compressed JPEG file), that 12 megapixel 
CCD image sensor will produce a significant improvement in the resulting image 
over a 2 megapixel CCD sensor. 
                That image quality is NOT described by either ppi or dpi. It is 
a function of the number of pixels in the X direction and the number of pixels 
in the Y direction.

                Now the plot thickens when I return to the subject of 
screenshots, because if I run my graphics card at 1600 x 1200, the type, icons 
and dialog boxes are uncomfortably small for me to read on the monitor, so I 
set the graphics card to display its images at 1280 x 960 dpi. 
                At this point, the maximum image size that can be displayed 
without loss of resolution is now 80 ppi. That's 1280 divided by 16. 
                [Unfortunately, since the graphics card's resolution doesn't 
match the native resolution of the LCD panel, the on-screen picture is not as 
crisp as it could be. This is a result of "aliasing" artifacts, but that's a 
topic for a different thread.]

                Note that in the above paragraph, I switched from dpi for 
display devices to ppi when describing image size. This is a meature of the 
physical size of a digital image (as printed or displayed) and should be 
described in ppi. The ability of a device to display or print an image should 
be described in dpi, or alternatively, lpi for lines per inch, or pixel 
spacing, as in 0.25mm. There is a tendency to intermix this terminology and 
hence confuse the issues you are discussing.

                Now that I have set my graphics card to 1280 x 960 for this 
monitor, the maximum resolution of any image I capture from the screen is 80 
ppi, regardless of whether I capture a whole screen or just a region of it. If 
I set the "resolution" of the screen capture program (Snag-It or HyperSnap) to 
80 ppi, then the resulting image will be the same physical size as it appeared 
on the screen, 100%. If I set the capture "resolution" to 160 ppi, then the 
image will be half the physical size as it appeared on the screen, BUT IT WILL 
HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME NUMBER OF PIXELS. The resolution has not be improved, as 
no more detail has been added.

                Upsampling and/or downsampling using any kind of pixel 
resampling (a.k.a. interpolation), whether bicubic or otherwise, ALWAYS removes 
detail from the image. In either case, new pixels are created that are some 
kind of average of the original ones. They're guesses at what shoud be there at 
that point in the image, and not real information that wasn't there before. No 
new detail nor image improvement can be added by interpolation.

                Now, however, you can re-scale an image in programs like 
Photoshop by keeping the same number of pixels (do not interpolate) and 
altering the size of the image in the X and Y directions equally. For example, 
if I took the 160 ppi screenshot described in the previous paragraph and 
re-scaled it in Photoshop without  resampling the image, and if I prescribed a 
new size of 80 ppi, the resulting image would grow back to 100% in size and 
have still have exactly the same number of pixels as before. The resolving 
power of the image has not changed, and no more detail has been provided. This 
is a correct way to get an image to the size you want it in your document. 
Another way is to import it as is and resize it in Frame using the image's 
corner anchor points while holding the Shift key down.

                Don't mislead yourselves and others by thinking that the more 
"resolution" in your screenshot capture application you use gives you better 
results, and don't mislead yourselves by thinking you can add more resolution 
by upsampling (or rescaling, for that matter) to a different ppi or by adding 
more artificial pixels.

                Now, on another topic, there seems to be a rule of thumb that 
"most SVGA screens are 96dpi." Someone came up with the statement that a 20" 
screen with a 1280 x 1024 display is, of course, 96 dpi. That's utter nonsense. 
Given that screen size is measured on the diagonal, and assuming the old 
standard 4:3 aspect ratio, a 20" screen is 16" 
                wide and 12" tall...rather like my Samsung LCDs. With 1280 
pixels in the X (horizontal) direction, the screen resolution is 80 dpi, not 96 
dpi. Any way you manipulate the numbers, 96 dpi is not a result. By the way, 
here I assumed a 4:3 aspect ratio, which is the ratio of width to height. If I 
ran my graphics card at 1280 x 1024, circles would be egg-shaped, since that 
resolution calls for a screen with a
                5:4 aspect ratio. Of course, wide screens have a different 
aspect ratio, but the principles are exactly the same.

                I have no idea what David meant by this statement:  "Again, 
referring to my last post, monitor resolution only counts if capturing an 
entire screen." Monitor size DOES count if you're trying to calculate the 
resolving power of your monitor in dpi and hence the maximum resolution 
attainable in a screenshot. It's the horizontal resolution of your graphics 
card setting divided by the width of the display area in inches or centimeters, 
or in the example given,
                1280/16 = 80 dpi.

                End of rant ...

                Flame away...but be sure you know what you are talking about 
and quit misleading others if you don't understand this.

                Dennis Brunnenmeyer

                At 09:09 AM 2/5/2008, David Creamer wrote:
                > > How can SnagIt capture an image at a higher resolution than 
what the 
                > > screen is set to?  A 20" screen at 1280 x 1024, for 
example, is 96
                > DPI.  How do you
                > > get 200 DPI out of that?
                >Screen size (20") is meaningless, only the monitor resolution 
                >Again, referring to my last post, monitor resolution only 
counts if 
                >capturing an entire screen.

                Dennis Brunnenmeyer
                Director of Engineering
                CEDAR RIDGE SYSTEMS
                15019 Rattlesnake Road
                Grass Valley, CA 95945-8710
                Office: (530) 477-9015
                Fax:  (530) 477-9085
                Mobile: (530) 320-9025
                eMail:  dennisb /at/ chronometrics /dot/ com 

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        Dennis Brunnenmeyer
        Director of Engineering
        15019 Rattlesnake Road
        Grass Valley, CA 95945-8710
        Office: (530) 477-9015
        Fax:  (530) 477-9085
        Mobile: (530) 320-9025
        eMail:  dennisb /at/ chronometrics /dot/ com

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