Michael O'Neill wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am using FrameMaker 6.x and am very annoyed with the size of the
> Show/Hide Conditional Text window.  It isn't wide enough to show the
> full names of my conditions, and doesn't appear to allow resizing. 
> Does anyone know if:
> 1)       There is a way to scroll the conditions in the Show and Hide
> columns sideways?  Arrow keys don't work.
> 2)       Or, if there's a way to resize the entire window. This is a
> long shot, but FrameMaker has a long history of surprising me with
> capabilities I assumed it did not have...

Hi Michael,

I've used ResourceHacker to modify a number of Frame's irritatingly 
undersized, tiny-fonted dialog boxes.  Handle with care, but you should 
be able to fix your problem with it.  The file you want to BACKUP!! 
before modifying is fmdlg.dll in
C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker7.0\fminit\

(There are lots of other source URLs, just google it.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

If it makes things work more easily, why isn't it called lubrican?

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