Isabelle Lopez wrote:

> Even though I've checked all the paragraph and character tags 
> for stray fonts and have generated a list of fonts for each 
> file, I get a "Document named xxx uses unavailable fonts..." 
> message. The console displays a font that I know is nowhere 
> in my documents, so how do I get rid of this pop-up? The more 
> important issue is that because the documents are reformated 
> on opening because of substitution of fonts, I get unresolved 
> cross-references alerts on good refs every time I reopen saved files.

Others have made some useful suggestions for finding the offending font.
But if you're sure the font isn't (and shouldn't be) in your docs,
there's no need for lots of searching or MIF editing. Simply turn off
Remember Missing Font Names (in File > Preferences). Then open each
document (you'll see that unavailable fonts warning again), verify in
the console window that only the font you want to expunge was missing,
and save the document. That will make the font substitution noted in the
console permanent. 

After you've opened and saved all the docs with the unavailable font,
you may want to turn back on the Remember Missing Font Names option,
especially if you exchange docs with others who have different fonts. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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