You can easily avoid this by using PureText. It removes all formatting 
from the original text.

Shmuel Wolfson

Diane Schaefer wrote:
> Hi Isabelle,
> I recently made an amazing discovery regarding elusive, unavailable
> fonts:
> If you copy and paste non-Frame, non-HTML information into your
> (unstructured, 7.2) Frame document, the information is copied into a
> text frame. In my documents, and perhaps in yours, the font specified is
> Times New Roman, which isn't in my font repertoire. Hence the
> unavailable fonts. 
> Of course we are supposed to import text from Word and the like, but
> sometimes I want to take a shortcut and paste in Word snippets to
> rewrite. More heinous, now that my Outlook has been updated to 2007, I
> find that text snippets from HTML (or even RTF) emails, which I often
> would copy and use verbatim, can no longer be pasted directly into
> Frame, but cause the same problem.
> The work around for the text snippets, to avoid those awful unavailable
> font popups, is to open an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver, paste to an
> HTML file, deselect and reselect the text, copy and paste into Frame. (I
> used to used Outlook 2003 to do this sometimes, but even this pleasure
> is now denied me.)
> The only work-around I've found to get rid of these unavailable fonts is
> to use the Remember Missing Font Names option under
> File>Preferences>General. You may have to save, close, reselect or
> deselect, then perform the procedure again a few times before the
> problem is solved.
> HTH,
> Diane 
> Diane Schaefer
> Senior Technical Writer
> Sandvine Technologies Ltd.
> dschaefer at
> tel. 972-2-540-090, ext. 125
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> Hi Framers,
> I'm sure this is a very novice question, but I need some help.
> I'm running Windows XP (SP2), using unstructured FrameMaker 7.2.
> Even though I've checked all the paragraph and character tags for stray
> fonts and have generated a list of fonts for each file, I get a
> "Document named xxx uses unavailable fonts..." message. The console
> displays a font that I know is nowhere in my documents, so how do I get
> rid of this pop-up? The more important issue is that because the
> documents are reformated on opening because of substitution of fonts, I
> get unresolved cross-references alerts on good refs every time I reopen
> saved files.
> .***********************
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