If Paste Special > (as) Text doesn't work, what I do for text with
formatting I don't want to keep is to paste it into Notepad. I copy the
text, paste into Notepad, select all the text in Notepad, copy, then paste
into your desired document.
Notepad strips all the formatting.

Not as easy as it seems PureText would be, but fairly painless if you're
used to the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-V).


On Jan 3, 2008 2:49 AM, Diane Schaefer <dschaefer at sandvine.com> wrote:

> Hi Isabelle,
> I recently made an amazing discovery regarding elusive, unavailable
> fonts:
> If you copy and paste non-Frame, non-HTML information into your
> (unstructured, 7.2) Frame document, the information is copied into a
> text frame. In my documents, and perhaps in yours, the font specified is
> Times New Roman, which isn't in my font repertoire. Hence the
> unavailable fonts.
> Of course we are supposed to import text from Word and the like, but
> sometimes I want to take a shortcut and paste in Word snippets to
> rewrite. More heinous, now that my Outlook has been updated to 2007, I
> find that text snippets from HTML (or even RTF) emails, which I often
> would copy and use verbatim, can no longer be pasted directly into
> Frame, but cause the same problem.
> The work around for the text snippets, to avoid those awful unavailable
> font popups, is to open an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver, paste to an
> HTML file, deselect and reselect the text, copy and paste into Frame. (I
> used to used Outlook 2003 to do this sometimes, but even this pleasure
> is now denied me.)
> The only work-around I've found to get rid of these unavailable fonts is
> to use the Remember Missing Font Names option under
> File>Preferences>General. You may have to save, close, reselect or
> deselect, then perform the procedure again a few times before the
> problem is solved.
> HTH,
> Diane
> Diane Schaefer
> Senior Technical Writer
> Sandvine Technologies Ltd.
> dschaefer at sandvine.com
> tel. 972-2-540-090, ext. 125
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> Hi Framers,
> I'm sure this is a very novice question, but I need some help.
> I'm running Windows XP (SP2), using unstructured FrameMaker 7.2.
> Even though I've checked all the paragraph and character tags for stray
> fonts and have generated a list of fonts for each file, I get a
> "Document named xxx uses unavailable fonts..." message. The console
> displays a font that I know is nowhere in my documents, so how do I get
> rid of this pop-up? The more important issue is that because the
> documents are reformated on opening because of substitution of fonts, I
> get unresolved cross-references alerts on good refs every time I reopen
> saved files.
> .***********************
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