
I'm running FM7.2 on WinXP doing unstructured docs with text insets, using 
condition tags to control which insets show in this particular file, in a 
single-sourced, multiple-author environment. All the graphics are imported by 
reference, and all have callout applied within the anchored frame as a text 
frame (rather than a text line, because we used xrefs to hotlink the callout of 
the part to the table of part numbers). 

Somehow, one of the container FM files got some setting changed that made all 
the text frames in that one file have sideheads. Now, our templates for the 
container file do have sideheads on the master pages for the body text frames, 
but if that were the source of the problem, one would think that it would 
impact *all* the files, not just this one. I have been going through this file 
and selecting each individual text frame that's within an anchored frame and 
setting the Object Properties to disable "Room for sideheads." But, then I 
noticed something odd...

Graphics (imported by ref) in the text inset files do NOT show the text frames 
within the anchored frames as having sideheads, but when I "update now" on the 
text inset, it puts room for sideheads on the graphics in the sideheads when I 
select to use the source formatting, but it shows NO room for sideheads when I 
use the container formatting...which completely puzzles me, since all the 
graphics in the container file are showing the undesired sideheads for the text 
frames in anchored frames.  So, this seems backwards/illogical to me.

Anyway, if someone can just tell me what the setting is at the doc properties 
or formatting level that switches sideheads on/off for all text frames in a FM 
file, I can just make sure it's set that way in both source and container docs 
and move on...

Rene L. Stephenson

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