Rene Stephenson wrote:

> I thought about that, but the Flow Tag A is set to .5" sideheads, and
> sideheads in these text frames inside the anchored frames are all
> wtc, over?

OK, the text frames inside the anchored frames aren't in flow A. And
they aren't in another named flow (or flows)? I haven't dealt with
callouts in years, and I don't know how FM handles text frames with no
flow name (which is only valid if Autoconnect is off). In fact, I rarely
create text frames for any reason (mainly just for template

So this morning I did a couple of quick experiments with creating text
frames on a page and in an anchored frame. When created, they all have
no autoconnect, no flow tag, and no side head. Each frame is an
independent entity whose settings are unrelated to the others -- that
is, there seems to be no "global" way to give them all side heads (well,
you can select multiple frames and do all on a page that way). 

I can't even do it by giving them the same flow name. On the body page,
FM won't allow two text frames with the same flow name unless they're
autoconnected. In an anchored frame, it doesn't seem to care. But
changing the side head setting for one frame with flow name "test"
didn't affect another frame with flow name "test."

So I'm afraid I'm stumped. I don't see how you could end up with side
heads on in lots of little independent text frames without deliberately
changing their properties, one by one, or page by page, or in the MIF,
or... Maybe someone else has an idea.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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