> Harold Winberg restated the problem:
>  > We are trying to count work packages (chapters-files)(WP 0001
>  > etc) using a specific autonum assigned to the WP Number
>  > paragraph tag. This tag is at the beginning of each document.
>  > The problem that we are encountering is that any autonum
>  > occurrence that is previous to the TOC tag or IX marker is
>  > reflected in the respective generated files instead of the WP
>  > Number assignment. The autonum counters <n>, <n+> etc. work.
>  > That is not the issue. We want the WP Number assignment to
>  > carry into the TOC and IX as opposed to any autonum
>  > occurrence that happens to be previous to the TOC tag/IX marker

Hi, Harold:

It's not clear what you're really after. When you say "count work
packages," does that mean you want a list of them all, or just the
total, the work-package number as part of each TOC entry and as part
of each index entry, or something else?

If I understand your request correctly, this could work for you:

If you've defined the TOC-suffix paragraph formats with autonumber
formats, then the numbers reflect exactly what you describe - each TOC
entry counter is influenced by its predecessor.

* For the TOC: to capture the source paragraph's autonumber, in the
Table of Contents Specification on the TOC reference page, find the
example line for the workpackage paragraph - something like
workpackageTOC. Add the building block <$paranum[workpackage]> before
the <$paratext> building block and regenerate from the book file. TOC
entries will capture the workpackage paragraph's autonumber for each
occurrence of the workpackage paragraph throughout the book. Add the
<$paranum[workpackage]> building block before <$pagenum> on every
example line whose entry you want the workpackage number to precede
the entry.

* For the index: to capture the workpackage autonumber for every index
entry, add  <$paranum[workpackage]> before <$pagenum> of the IndexIX
example paragraph in the Index Specification on the index reference
page and regenerate. As far as I know, there's no way to capture the
autonumber for a specific index level (Level1IX, Level2IX, etc.). It's
all entries or none.


If you want

Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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