At 11:15 AM 5/30/2008, Harold Winberg wrote:
>We have a book that is mix of structure and non-structure (Don't ask
>why). We want to generate an index but the mix gives us a problem
>generating. I get a message that it can't open x file because it is
>structure and then fails to generate.

   Bill Swallow is quite correct that you will see this message if you are 
using the original user interface and that you can avoid it by switching to 
the structured user interface. Don Rinderknecht is also correct that you 
can avoid the message by opening all the files before updating the book.
   One last variation: you can use Special > Remove Structure from Flow to 
do exactly what the command says. If you choose to do so, you might want to 
unstructure only copies of the original files so that any further editing 
can take advantage of the many benefits of structured authoring.

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, 
and training
lprice at  
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505      cell phone: (510) 421-2284 

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