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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deirdre Reagan <>
Date: Oct 9, 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: Graphics in FM
To: Framer's List <framers at>

Hi all!

FM 8.0, Windows XP.

In my documents, we use black and white line drawings exclusively.

I've been cutting and pasting 200 pixels / inch bitmaps.  FM scrolls
through them very quickly.

My colleagues import 300 pixels / inch jpgs.  Their jpgs are better
quality but FM works very very slowly when scrolling past a page with
a jpg.

I just imported a PDF-ed graphic that was made from a 600 pixels /
inch jpg.  It has the best resolution and FM scrolls through the page
very quickly.

So here's my question:  is there any downside to using the PDF-ed graphic?

We PDF these documents and send them to the customer, who does who
know what to them.  We may in the future be turning these documents
into HTML documents.

I don't know jack about graphics, so any help would be most appreciated.


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