My copy of Acrobat 8 is already paid for and it can do a lot of things
easyPDF can't.

Are you sure you're using the same compression, font embedding, etc.
settings when comparing performance?

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Syed Zaeem Hosain
(Syed.Hosain at <Syed.Hosain at> wrote:
> For example, with a very quick search, one of the best I have seen so far is 
> BCL Technologies "easyPDF" printer. At $29.95, it does what I need, and 
> [limited] tests using a trial version show it producing perfectly good PDF 
> output files. It also generates _many_ times faster than Acrobat Pro. Last 
> night, I printed a 30+ page FrameMaker document as a test, and the output 
> file was written in under 1 second and was about 30% smaller than the one 
> from Acrobat Pro. The same FrameMaker book took almost a minute to generate a 
> PDF output file using Acrobat Pro.

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