We had a client that wanted line numbers in a document, a new feature in 
v11. We would not have upgraded otherwise.  It was literally a 'if Frame 
can't number the lines, we put this back into Word' situation -- for a 
400 page specification document. I cannot imagine the pain of trying to 
wrangle something that large and complex in Word!

Sadly, having spent the flippin' $600 to upgrade, they were not happy 
with how Frame does the line numbers (they wanted contiguous numbers 
thru the entire 400-page book, whereas Frame restarts in every chapter 
and at every 1000th line).  So we ended up having to throw the problem 
over to Rick Quatro, who came up with an excellent scripted solution at 
a fraction of the upgrade cost.  Which is quite possibly why I'm so 
peevish about the upgrade price:we spent $600/employee for nothing we 
could use.

Tori Muir
tmuir at spot-on-creative.com

On 4/1/13 12:11 PM, Robert Lauriston wrote:
> Why pay anything to upgrade FrameMaker? Adobe hasn't added any
> features that I'd pay for since FM8 added Unicode support. I never do
> anything new with it so I never need support.
> What requirements do you have that FM9's not meeting?
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Tori Muir<tmuir at spot-on-creative.com>  
> wrote:
>> Question: MacCap's site lists upgrades as 'starting at $499' -- we'd love to
>> find a more cost-effective alternative to FrameMaker.
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