For a single-use XSLT, I'd just set it up to be run as one of the steps in the workflow rather than make it part of a structured app.

I may end up adding this functionality into DITA-FMx, and might also release it as a stand-alone tool (if anyone is interested). But will wait and see how (or if) the client wants to incorporate this into their workflow. I'll let you know!


On 9/25/16 6:38 AM, Heiko Haida wrote:

Well, normally the layout work is a one-way thing.

Of course you could try to add another XSLT for converting the marks back to attributes while checking in the data.

I would be interested to know what kind of solution/workflow you are going to establish, maybe you can share this on occasion.

Good luck -- Tino

 Scott Prentice:

Hi Tino...

I'm thinking that the problem with using XSL in the structured app is that it would continue to add the marks every time the file is opened. It seems like you'd want to have some logic that could add the marks as needed, if they don't already exist.

I need to discuss the possible workflow with my client, and see what would work best. Now that I see how it works, we should be able to work something out.


On 9/24/16 3:52 PM, Heiko Haida wrote:

Hi Scott,

I would use an XSL-transformation as part of the structured application for these elements with "dir"-attribute. This could add the marks as real characters in the text. Maybe prefix and suffix are solitary containers in FrameMaker that are not thought to influence any more portions of the *real* text (only a guess).

I use an Extend script that sets the markers for a selected text analogously to Indesign (this makes it a little bit easier for the layout work in the good old-fashioned way).


Scott Prentice:

    Thank you Tino!

    This does seem to work (mostly)! Yes .. you'd think that the
    translator should be doing this, as it would be part of a proper
    translation. I'm working with XML markup and I'm thinking that
    you might be able to add these "marks" as prefix and suffix
    rules to certain elements, controlled by the @dir attribute. If
    @dir='ltr' set the prefix to LTR override and the suffix to POP.

    ... testing ...

    Hmm .. bummer. It doesn't seem to work. It looks like the EDD
    isn't applying the marks for prefix and suffix. If I manually
    add the marks before and after the .. <ph dir='ltr'>Fn + %</ph>
    .. it works right (and displays like "Fn + %"). But with the
    EDD-applied marks, it stays like this .. "% + Fn". Seems like a
    FM bug?

    I suppose I could create a plugin to add these marks to elements
    with the @dir attribute, but then I'd need to be sure to strip
    them off on file save, else they'd keep getting added .. hmm.

    Anyway .. thanks for your help!


    On 9/24/16 5:06 AM, Heiko Haida wrote:

        Hi Scott,

        when it comes to a mixture of LTR in a RTL context, the
        software will also recognize the "natural" direction of
        every character.

        For now, you can only change this in FrameMaker by adding
        "bidirectional marks". There a is an extra palette for this.
        This is not a character format you could apply to a text
        range, like in Indesign. I already suggested a more
        intuitive solution for this in FrameMaker (in Indesign ME,
        it is pretty easy to control).

        How do these marks works? --> Well, I am always trying until
        it fits: You add a start mark and an end mark, eg. LRO/PDF
        or LRI/PDI, or LRO combined with RLO to switch back.
        Sometimes, the closing mark is not necessary. Of course,
        there is an exact definition in Unicode about how the
        different marks should work.

        In a perfect translation, the translator should already have
        added the marks. (Well, this is just a dream... -- never
        heard of any translator who would know this).

        pls also see:
        Or look it up in the Unicode manuals.

        Best regards -- Tino H. Haida, Berlin

        Scott Prentice:


            In FM 2015 .. is there a "text range" property to change
            the text direction? I'm only seeing this in the
            paragraph properties, but not in character properties.

            I know that it's supposed to "properly" flip English
            text, but it appears that there are cases where this
            doesn't work quite right. (I'm no expert on this
            formatting, so I can't really say what's "right", but
            it's apparently not what's wanted.)

            For example, if you have an Arabic paragraph formatted
            as LTR, and in that paragraph you have some English
            words that terminate with a special character of some
            kind or even an inline image. In this case, the English
            words will properly flip to RTL, but the special
            character or image (at the end of the English words)
            will be on the left of those words, when you want it to
            be on the right. Adding more English words (or a
            character) "after" the image or special character will
            make it flip back to the right of the English words ..
            but if you want this character or image to be at the end
            (on the right) of the English phrase, you're out of luck
            it seems.

            If there was a text range property that could be applied
            to the characters that you always want to be RTL in the
            middle of an LTR para, this would work just fine. (I think.)

            Anyway .. I don't think that what I'm looking for exists
            in FM, but I'm asking on the off chance that it might.



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