At 03:20 AM 4/25/2017, you wrote:
My question to you:
- Has anyone ever used this feature when it was still present in the UI many versions back?
- Is anyone still using it?
- What is the use case scenario that you can think of where it still might be useful?

Stephan, I'm the client for whom Rick scripted a marvelous solution for some of the limitations of Frame's Freeze Pagination functionality. I had no idea of the limitations until he enumerated them in his email to you. His script makes the whole process of using point pages a miraculously simple operation.

I write documentation for America's rail industry, and it relies heavily on quarterly updates to manuals critical to moving freight. The manuals are printed in their entirety once a year; quarterly "changed pages" are released and users are expected to replace the pages in their manuals with the changed pages (all changed text is identified with change bars). Thus pagination must be kept constant. If new content is added, point pages must be created to house that content so that subsequent pages are unaffected. At the beginning of a new cycle, the book is unfrozen, point pages are incorporated back into the newly repaginated book, and the process begins again.

The rail industry has historically lagged behind technology, and I don't see that changing (although electronic sensors are a hot item in an effort to make rail transport more safe). I'm still modifying documents that were originally written in the late 1800s. The industry makes its manuals available as PDFs and they sell well. However, there are federal quality assurance requirements that demand hardcopy manuals exist and be kept up to date. Until the old school engineers and execs retire, hardcopy manuals will persist.

I would encourage (beg?) Adobe to not remove freeze pagination and point page functionality. (If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.) But I'm not sure it makes sense to spend research dollars to improve the feature. I suggest letting third-party providers like Rick continue writing scripts for the very few of us that use the technology. That hopefully will meet everyone's needs and promote free enterprise.

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773


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