I know, I know.

It is not up to me, and it is not my system. But I have had a fair bit if 
experience dealing with their rubbish over the years. eg on the machine I use 
the most I currently have a valid Adobe product that I cannot activate 
simultaneously with other Adobe software because the computer already has an 
enterprise license. That is, I cannot have more than one activated license at a 
time on the same machine. So when I want to use it, I have to deactivate the 
enterprise license (log out of the cloud service) and not run the enterprise 
software then log into my cloud service while I run the other software. Nuts. I 
and our ICT people have been onto Adobe and met the corporate brick wall. We 
have around 35000 users… 

Seriously, I would look at GIMP. Free and open source, long pedigree, etc.


Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140

> On 8/06/2018, at 08:00, <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> 
> <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> wrote:
> And how would you like me to do that Alan? I would not and absolutely have
> not re-issued the code to someone else. Why would I do that? It's my product
> that I paid for. . . short of stating emphatically that I haven't and
> showing that I have registered my product with me and me alone. . . Is there
> not a way for them to search their DB and see if someone else has used this
> code? I certainly can't. 
> Their system does suck - and their lack of support for an almost 25 year
> customer w/ double-digit purchases is just egregious. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Framers
> <framers-bounces+tammyvb=spectrumwritingllc....@lists.frameusers.com> On
> Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
> Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:56 PM
> To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.
> <framers@lists.frameusers.com>
> Subject: Re: [Framers] Follow up to Adobe "support"
> Hi Tammy,
> That paints (sorry, bad pun I know) a different picture.
> I wonder if what they meant was that your successful re-installation on an
> unknown machine (to them) attempt was picked up as piracy in motion and at
> that point they revoked the code so it could not be re-installed again after
> that. For second language speakers, correct grammar in sequence descriptions
> is difficult sometimes.
> So. It appears the problem is that they want you to prove to them that you
> have not re-issued this license code to someone else to use. I think in this
> instance, they are correct and it is now up to you to do that. 
> IIRC, since the CS series started, Adobe changed how licenses are managed
> and registered the device and sales region onto which the software is
> installed. This is part of the reason I have had so many problems as I
> described in my initial response (starting the software in different sales
> regions fritzes the license). When you change machines, you are supposed to
> let their system know it is the same license but on a new machine and the
> process has always been a PITA. As you re-installed your copy onto a
> different machine, it triggered the anti-piracy protocol.
> What to do? Find the proof of purchase or use GIMP. Their system sucks.
> Sorry
> Alan
> --
> Dr Alan Litchfield
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 1941
> Auckland, New Zealand 1140
>> On 8/06/2018, at 06:36, <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com>
> <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> wrote:
>> Oh, and I was just informed by Adobe Support that even with an 
>> invalid/revoked license code, an initial installation and registration 
>> is allowed, but it's AFTER you uninstall and attempt to reinstall that 
>> you get hammered. Really? And on what planet has anyone ever been able 
>> to install an Adobe product successfully w/ an invalid code and not had a
> problem?
>> Ironically, it's the valid codes that have always caused grief. And 
>> besides that, this wonderful fabrication of an excuse doesn't hold 
>> water w/ me because I have successfully 
>> installed/uninstalled/reinstalled this software at least three times over
> the past decade plus.
>> Nice try Adobe - got beachfront property for me in Arizona as well?
>> Tammy Van Boening
>> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com 
>> www.spectrumwritingllc.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Framers
>> <framers-bounces+tammyvb=spectrumwritingllc....@lists.frameusers.com> 
>> On Behalf Of tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com
>> Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:07 PM
>> To: 'An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.'
>> <framers@lists.frameusers.com>
>> Subject: [Framers] Follow up to Adobe "support"
>> So, in case anybody thinks Adobe cares about its customers, think 
>> again. I posted to the list as you know on Tuesday about problems 
>> activating a license for an Adobe product. (Not FM, but as it is an 
>> Adobe product I figured that was the only way I could get Adobe's 
>> attention - on an Adobe list).
>> This is a VERY OLD product - I have had the installation disk for it 
>> for like a gazillion years. It's Adobe Design Standard CS6 for 
>> Windows. I bough this product way back in the in the mid-2000s, and 
>> successfully installed it, registered it, and used it for many years. 
>> I eventually uninstalled it, and then two years ago, I needed quick 
>> access to Photoshop to work with an .eps graphic, so I installed it 
>> again with the heavily faded license code on the disk and voila, no 
>> issues. Installed beautifully, worked fine. . .etc. I uninstalled it 
>> about two years ago as it was taking up a lot of space on my system and
> wasn't using it anymore.
>> Well, along comes a client who has sporadic eps graphics, so I decided 
>> to reinstall it on an old system that holds rarely used applications - 
>> just ones needed for one-offs here and there. I go to install the 
>> software, enter the activation code and blam . . . I get the message 
>> the code has been revoked. What??? That makes no sense, but Adobe 
>> revokes a code only if the code is invalid, which it is not. I have 
>> successfully installed, deactivated, and uninstalled this software 
>> several times over the past 12 or so years and this is the first time that
> I have received this message.
>> Adobe is flat out refusing to assist me whatsoever. I was told that 
>> somehow/someway that this activation number has been compromised - 
>> either an unscrupulous reseller has used this activation code multiple 
>> times, another vendor has somehow gotten hold of the activation code, 
>> . . .. the possibilities seem so far-fetched to me, I kinda' tuned out 
>> after the "support" rep. started droning on.
>> Adobe has stated that unless I can provide absolute proof of purchase 
>> that I am SOL -yea, proof of purchase on a 12+ year old product. God 
>> only knows where the lone piece of paper is after all these years. I 
>> figured registering the product and at least having permanent access 
>> to the activation code would save me, but not so much, huh?
>> I have been an Adobe customer for over 22 years, the number of 
>> purchases of Adobe products that I have made is well in to the double 
>> digits and NEVER ONCE, and I mean NEVER, have I had this problem 
>> before. I purchased all my products either directly from Adobe or from 
>> an authorized reseller and I am pretty sure this was from a reseller, 
>> but for the life of me, after 12+ years, I cannot remember the 
>> name/provided proof of purchase and what would it matter? God knows 
>> how many Adobe resellers have gone the way of the DoDo bird over the last
> decade or so.
>> I was evaluating two approaches for a new client project - either 
>> Flare or Adobe FM/ePub and guess what? Adobe just made the decision 
>> for me like that
>> - Flare here I come.
>> Tammy Van Boening
>> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com
>> www.spectrumwritingllc.com
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