Matt has published Working with Content 2020, which is for the most recent
version of Frame. It's based on the Scriptorium Using FrameMaker 8, and
it's pretty helpful. I do recommend it if you're sick of the online help.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 6:33 PM <> wrote:

> I will say among the many things that annoy about Adobe, the one that
> really, really annoys me is that it purports itself to be a technical
> communication company, yet after around FM 6.0, the absolutely FANTASTIC
> User guides that they produced to support the use of their products just
> when down the tubes . . .zip, zilch, nada for how many years now? I still
> have my very dog-eared, tattered Frame bibles that were sent w/ FM 5.5.6,
> 6.0 and 7.0 and they are my life-savers to this day when I need to remember
> how to do something that I haven't done in a long time. Nowadays, you're
> left to hunting and pecking out on the web, hoping like H*LL that someone
> in a forum has had the same problem asked and answered, or that in Adobe's
> lame excuse for Online documentation for any product, that you find a hint
> of what you need.
> I was stuck using RH2019 WAY before it was ready for prime time a few
> years ago and if it weren't for Matt Sullivan's class, and the support of
> Peter Grainger, and Surbhi Maheshwari directly from Adobe, I would have
> just slit my wrists and it shouldn't have had to be like that at all.
> Adobe's online "documentation" was so lame - grossly incomplete, flat out
> wrong in places, missing critical information. How on earth did they expect
> anyone to be able to use a brand new product w/out any decent user
> documentation - by osmosis or serendipitously?
> And yes, I agree - Adobe has D*MNED good products that meet the needs of
> projects unlike any other product, but w/out competent and timely support -
> either the human kind or the user guide kind - it doesn't matter. If you
> can't use the product the correct way and to its fullest extent, what's the
> point?
> Tammy Van Boening
> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com

Lin Sims

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