ok, if any of you don't want to do this, speak now.

It is my pleasure to make this internal announcement of the new framework team!

Wichert Akkerman
Marten Aspeli
Rocky Burt
Raphael Ritz
Hanno Schlichting
Vincenzo Di Somma
Helge Tesdal

Note that team size has grown by two. Due to interest, and because I think it's easier to get 5 at a meeting for a vote if seven are obligated, we have mildly expanded from the original team.

I have pledged to stick around are a non-voting participant to help preserve continuity, and as alway, anyone interested in the architecture of plone is welcome to participate in creating process and, of course, reviewing code.



| david "whit" morriss | | contact :: http://public.xdi.org/=whit "If you don't know where you are, you don't know anything at all" Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

"I like to write code like other ppl like to tune their cars or 10kW hifi equipment..."

Christian Heimes, 2004

fn:D. Whitfield  Morriss
n:Morriss;D. Whitfield 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;home:615 292-9142
tel;cell:415 710-8975

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