Hi again.

Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> If there are no objections I think we should merge these four PLIPs into
> trunk in the next couple of days:
>   PLIP   8 - Versioning                                                       
>   PLIP 118 - Portlets engine based on PlonePortlets and Viewlets              
>   PLIP 142 - Componentise the global content menu                             
>   PLIP 148 - Move to CMF 2.1                                                  

All four PLIP's have been merged into trunk by now. In order to get your
instance updated you need to run the getCVS.sh script to pull down
ZopeVersionControl. This will move into a SVN repository shortly.

Among the new dependencies are two new-style Python packages. You can
either install them through easy_install (probably in combination with
workingenv.py) or if you are as lazy as I am, you can pull these into
your instance home lib/python by replacing the (lib/)python folder with
a checkout of https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/bundles/3.0-lib much like
we replace the Products folder already.

Right now there are a bunch of test failures which result in
ComponentLookupErrors. These are due to the missing setup of the local
sitemanager in PloneTestCase (setHooks, setSite and friends). If nobody
else has time to get those fixed, I'll do that tomorrow evening.

Some more test failures are due to CMFDiffTool trying an old-style
content installation. All it needs is a new proper GenericSetup
extension profile. Some more exportimport handlers should be written for
CMFEditions as well. I have already started working on them...


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