On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 20:23:13 -0800, whit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

alright, I shuffled around the registrations so Document, Event, and NewItem can be registered individually. I scratched the entry point stuff since we really don't have an egg story yet(and entry points are invisible if a distribution isn't actually installed in some fashion...oh well, maybe next time)

All the tests for wicked and plone are passing. have got about 45mins now to try to kick out a basic interface for the controlpanel.

the merge is going to be basically 1 line of zcml, including the py code in wicked and whatever I get done with the controlpanel. Do you want me to cut a bundle/branch for this, or just commit to trunk with the zcml commented out?

I don't think a branch as such is required, but whatever is going to ship with Plone should be reviewed by a member of the FW team. I can't remember if anybody reviewed Wicked yet? :)

Alexander Limi ยท http://limi.net

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