On 15 dec 2007, at 21:25, Alexander Limi wrote:

Hi guys,

Just a quick email to say that I have been traveling (and without internet connection :( ) since before the PLIP deadline.

The one I want in 3.1 isn't really a core thing as such — it's in Kupu — but I think it should have a PLIP to make it follow the process anyway.

It's detailed in this issue: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/6882

(Duncan has already made Kupu work with the latest Webkit/Safari builds, so half the PLIP is already done)

Well, that's a bit too quick. I have been using kupu with webkit lately and I can't say that it is production ready. Either kupu or webkit does strange things with selections like inserting weird spans with strange webkit classnames. Which forces you to switch to html view quite often. It needs some more thorough testing. So it's not done yet (but almost there).

As far as the other suggestions in the ticket. I'm all for it but it requires a lot of templating work. I'd rather see kupu move to kss asap for the drawers and use pt templates for the drawers. That would make it more future proof and allows us mortals (read: everybody except duncan) to make the templates and the markup. (Let's say that besides the UI the markup is something that really needs a fix.). I think that kss is real good candidate for kupu. It would greatly simplify it imho. And yes, I know that it would tie kupu to plone but I think we can deal with that.

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