On Dec 15, 2007 9:25 PM, Alexander Limi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The one I want in 3.1 isn't really a core thing as such —it's in Kupu —
> but I think it should have a PLIP to make it follow the process anyway.

Everything for 3.1, including newer kupu versions, is PLIP material.

> It's detailed in this issue: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/6882

That looks okay, but there is no risk assesment, etc. Very little info
to decide anything on, I feel.

> (Duncan has already made Kupu work with the latest Webkit/Safari builds,
> so half the PLIP is already done)

If the ticket is to be turned into a PLIP, I don't see any
Webkit/Safari work mentioned. So would the PLIP be about a Kupu UI
clarification, inclusion of a new Kupu version, or a list of Kupu
changes to go into a new version?

> I won't have internet connnection until Monday, so I hope it's OK that I
> get the PLIP in then. Since this is more about the acceptance of the idea
> than delivering the implementation at this point, I assume the above
> ticket has enough info for you to make a decision for now.

Not really, see above.

However, seeing as I feel okay about the WebDAV PLIP being included, I
feel I should be lenient here too. I also already voted on more than
half the submissions, so I in that vein an extra PLIP on Monday is
also fine by me.

Martijn Pieters
Framework-Team mailing list

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