On Feb 1, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
-1 to renaming everthing plone.*. When things begin outside Plone
(which we should encourage), then we can't necessarily insist that
they are called plone.* (in fact, we'd probably discourage it if it
wasn't intended to be eventually destined for the core).

i completely agree. furthermore, i think using non plone.* packages in plone emphasizes one of the points made in the whole wsgi/repoze approach and the plone. (as opposed to plone.app.) namespace, which is that re-usability is a good thing and we'd like other people outside the plone/zope universe to start looking and potentially using our stuff as well. in that sense i think we should actually make a statement by integrating packages from the "outside world". and yes, that's not particularly true in this case, but at least it looks this way... ;)


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