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David Glick wrote:

> On Jun 9, 2009, at 3:49 AM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> I'd like to see us move to CMF 2.2. In this case, I'd also like to  
>> move some monkey patches for backports out of plone.app.dexterity  
>> and into Plone (or remove them altogether).
> Moving to Zope 2.12 will be easier if we also move to CMF 2.2.  The  
> main reason being that Zope 2.12 no longer has Zope 2-style  
> interfaces, and I believe CMF 2.2 is the first CMF release that  
> doesn't depend on them.

CMF hasn't *depended* on Z2 interfaces in donkey's years:  CMF 1.6
(three years old now) switched to using Z3 interfaces.  Up through CMF
2.1, we generated BBB versions of those interfaces as Z2 interfaces in
the old locations, mostly because *you guys* were using them instead of
Z3 interfaces.

> Note that CMF 2.2 hasn't actually been released yet.  We'll have to  
> push for that to happen in a timeframe that matches ours.

Two things:

- - "Push" isn't the right word:  you just need to "ask'. :)  Ideally,
  you would also help, e.g. by verifying that the current trunks of each
  package didn't break your stuff.

- - The individual packages are now released separately, so you need
  to think about asking for releases of the packages you actually
  use in Plone.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tsea...@palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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