Hi Eric,

thanks for the opportunity of contributing with ideas and congratulations. I must say I've been somehow (positively) surprised by the "transitional" approach for Plone4.

So here are my my favourites:

1) Better User properties/user management/profiling

2) Ship more than 1 default theme and site configuration

3) Actions in the footer by default

4) New fresh default theme (I guess that's what Alex is working on)

5) Improved management of images and videos... by default!

6) Small improvements to versioning UI, file edit UI, send email, and more.

I'm sorry I'm quite busy this year with a non-Plone project, but I've worked on some analysis already on most of the suggestions above. I'll be very glad to share and discuss those.


Il giorno 08/giu/09, alle ore 22:52, Eric Steele ha scritto:


A few notes as we start to spin up the Plone 4 process...

In contrast to the release-previously-known-as-Plone-4[1], this Plone 4 will be aggressive in its timeline, not its featureset. Though the details still need to be worked out, I'd like to see a release by December 1st, with at least a beta out by the time the conference rolls around. That means we'll have a completed product in less than 6 months. It's a very tight timeline, something you'll need to keep in mind as you're evaluating PLIPs for inclusion.

I'm approaching Plone 4 as a transitional release: a low-cost upgrade from the latest iteration of the 3.x series, providing a good platform for moving to the more aggressive technologies being implemented in Plone trunk. Nothing earth-shattering, just a solid step towards Plone's future.

Features? Well, that's your job, but I can certainly push a few of my favorites. ;) I'd really, really like to see us get to Zope 2.12/ Python 2.6; David Glick has been plugging away on that already. I also think we should try to throw the integrators a bone or twenty -- some better TTW customization options, improved install/upgrade/ uninstall machinery, more javascripty hooks and the like. And since the meat of this transitional release isn't likely to generate a great amount of excitement from the masses, it'd be great to have Alex (and/or others) deliver a new (not Nu) default Plone theme and other assorted UI goodness to give us some sparkle.

I've created a dev buildout for Plone 4 [2]. We'll be using mr.developer to handle PLIP review bundles. Rather than create individual buildouts for each PLIP, I'd like to keep the particulars for each one in its own .cfg file [3] that can be pulled in with a - c. Branch packages as needed as in the past.

Looking forward to speaking with you tomorrow. This is going to be great!


[1] http://lists.plone.org/pipermail/framework-team/2008-December/002512.html
[2] https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/buildouts/plone-coredev/branches/4.0/

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