Hi folks,

A few comments on things I'm involved in.

>        • 9473 (z3cform)
>                • Ross: Better than Archetypes at form generation, better 
> documentation than formlib, but still requires a lot of knowledge of the 
> internals to work with.
>                • (Small?) improvement over formlib, extensive (but not very 
> approachable) documentation.
>                • Approachability can be improved with layers on top: 
> autoform, dexterity.
>                • Heavy Plone adoption will likely lead toward better 
> documentation.

I started writing some quite extensive, Plone-oriented, tutorial-style
documentation on plone.directives.form (the Grok-like way to build
z3c.form forms). I think it'd be quite feasible to copy this and
change it to cover the more "traditional" plone.app.z3cform. At the
moment, it's about 80% complete, but a big project + the new edition
of my book got in the way. If anyone is willing and able to run with
this, I'd be happy to assist.

>                • plone.app.registry makes it largely transparent
>                • Approved
>        • 9472 (plone.app.registry)
>                • Is a win for persistent settings storage
>                • Form proxying makes it easy
>                • "It just works"
>                • Needs ui work

I'd like to know what UI work it needs at this point. The
portal_registry UI is basic, for sure, but functional, moderately good
looking, and works pretty efficiently now that we have p.a.jquerytools
overlays. It'd be nice to have a JavaScript based substring match
search, perhaps. Beyond that, though, "proper" UI should go into
dedicated control panels (which p.a.registry helps you build)

>                • Approved
>        • 10776 (Zope 2.13)
>                • Keep up with Zope, don't get behind like we did in the past
>                • WSGI support: Is it ready yet? It's

You mean "it is"? If so: w00t!

>        • 10846 (plone.testing/plone.app.testing)
>                • Looks great
>                • Do we say this is the best practice?
>                        • Wait
>                        • Just including this in our KGS for now should steer 
> people towards it

+1 to this sentiment

>                • Eat our own dogfood. Implement some core package tests using 
> this.
>                        • Does this need its own PLIP?
>                        • We're opening the door for that to show up in the 
> future.
>                        • Great 2010 conf sprint topic

I suggest we just encourage new packages for 4.1 and onwards to use
it. I'd be happy to make plone.[app.]uuid use this, for example.

>                • PLIP could make it clearer how best to encourage movement to 
> new framework over existing framework

I think this needs wider discussion first, but agreed.

>                • Approved
>        • 10778 (Stand-alone UUID)
>                • Required step toward allowing Dexterity to work well in a 
> Plone site
>                • Community confusion that IntIds are unique identifiers, 
> needs to be corrected
>                • Exist as a well-used add-on that Dexterity depends on

Well, not yet, but soon - especially if #9938 makes it - see below.

>                • It's definitely necessary functionality, but is it 
> worthwhile in 4.1 if nothing in 4.1 using it?
>                • Do we say "This is great, please make the package. We'll 
> include it later, when it's in use." ?
>                • Martin's never been afraid to create new packages
>                • Looking for our blessing as the designated way forward?
>                • Small change to Plone (catalog index)
>                • Held

I think my reason for wanting it in the core, is twofold:

 - There's a proliferation of half-solutions to this problem right
now. We need something blessed that people feel safe relying on. There
is a cost associated with each half-solution in terms of catalogue
bloat and in terms of confusion.

 - It's difficult for third party packages to depend on this kind of
thing (as we saw with zope.intid), because to be useful, it requires a
new catalogue index and a full re-index on existing sites. That's the
kind of thing that people may expect in a Plone .x release, but not
necessarily just to install a product that happens to depend on it.

>        • 9938 (Factor custom output transforms out of editors)
>                • Yes!
>                • Why don't we do this already?
>                • Reduces risk (listed risk is more of a deliverable. ;) )
>                • Approved

I think if we do this, we should also do #10778. One of the big things
I really, really want is proper link-by-uid for Dexterity content. We
can't do that if the link-by-uid transforms use Archetypes' UID(), and
making a new, future-oriented package for this that's tied to AT seems
like a step backwards and an invitation for future migration pain (uid
links end up being embedded in content, after all).

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