> Anyone can walk by a painting liking it or not, but sitting in a darkened 
> room as a captive audience may not have quite as many dedicated fans

True. But people who walk by a painting not liking it aren't exactly fans. One 
of the benefits of a proper theatrical screening space is that viewers can 
leave without creating the sort of interruptions that afflict the comings and 
goings of typical 'installations.' I've been to two public screenings of Warhol 
films, both of which started with audiences of 40-50, and when I lights came up 
I saw that less than 10 other folks besides myself had stuck it out. But I 
hadn't noticed the deflections. Some of this just involves really simple things 
like creating a transition space between the 'theater' and the 'lobby' that 
creates some kind of light block, and making sure the hardware on the door 
closers isn't super loud.

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