On May 19, 2012, at 3:27 PM, Shona Masarin wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does anyone know of any experimental films that have explored vaudeville, 
> slapstick and/or silent era clown films (eg. Buster Keaton) in some way or 
> another?

Ken Jacobs, "Ontic Antics Starring Laurel and Hardy: Bye, Molly" (2005).

> I am working on a collaborative dance film with choreographer, Cori 
> Olinghouse, who has been studying movement forms like eccentric dance, mime, 
> and voguing. Our film will seek to invoke the spaces of Vaudeville through a 
> Dada/Surrealist eye. We are attracted to the way these two forms share 
> aspects of humor, oddity, and slapstick. 
> Here's a link to a preview of our film project on our Kickstarter page: 
> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/139958170/ghost-line 
> Some films that have inspired us thus far are Hans Richter's "Ghosts Before 
> Breakfast" and Anna Halprin in James Broughton's "Golden Positions". 
> Any leads will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
> Shona Masarin
> www.shonamasarin.com
> shonamasa...@hotmail.com
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