
so i run a crowd sourced film festival in australia [15Mb of FAME] and it's
all onsite so we deal with physical submissions over the lead-up duration
of a couple of days of footage which is then collated and edited over 48
hours or so... it's a rather mammothian task as the festival while not
enormous involves well over 5000 bodies. thankfully not that many submit

we deal with raw files [mpeg4/mov files] from mostly phones and it's just a
direct upload of data via USB etc with a team of uber punk monk peeps
managing it onsite. it's all rather hectic.

looking forward to seeing/hearing about your project further.

here's what we did in the first year...


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 2:35 AM, flick harrison <fl...@flickharrison.com>wrote:

> Interesting question.
> Yousendit or Dropbox might be good ways to get the files, the size limits
> are better on dropbox.  But any files you get from other people add to your
> own quota so you'd have to be really organized to get everything happening
> without maybe confounding your senders.
> I would think a self-hosted blind-drop FTP server, i.e. a one-way web
> interface so they could send you raw files.  Never set one up but I've seen
> them.  In any case - if web interface is too hard to do then you have to
> expect the shooters to understand FTP.
> You could ask people to post full-quality versions on youtube and then rip
> the files with some sort of youtube downloading plugin.  This would be
> clunky and usually results in (BIG!) quality loss.
> Vimeo would work, since there's an option to leave the full-quality file
> as a download link for anyone who sees the video.  You can password-protect
> videos there so they aren't available to the general public.  But then
> folks would have to sign up for a vimeo account and understand how to get a
> reasonable-quality file on there (max 1 HD upload per week, 500Mb total
> files per week, thus more headaches).
> But, for instance, can shooters on an ipad really send you the
> full-quality master footage?  Or are they limited to BS options like "Share
> -> Youtube, Facebook, etc" which bypass the file system altogether?  It's
> the result of the War on General Purpose Computing.
> This is trickier - I've done BYO gigs with kids, where everyone and sundry
> had a different file wrapper and codec and frame rate and file size so on.
>  Premier or FCP should probably eat them all and crap out a movie but I did
> encounter the odd Chinese kid with an .mtv format or something no one had
> ever heard of except them.
> AND if they are sending the files, better hope they understand the file
> structure for stuff like AVCHD, and get them to send the whole "PRIVATE"
> folder and that kinda thing.  Etc etc.
> The deal is that even with good pre-production discussions between two
> people, surprises crop up - so sending out a call to the general public is
> asking for trouble.  But I'm interested in the same kinds of projects so
> please let me know how it develops!
> Good Luck!
> -Flick
> --
> *http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Flick_Harrison
> ** FLICK's WEBSITE: http://www.flickharrison.com *
> [image: Zero for Conduct - Flick's 
> News]<http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ZeroForConduct/~6/1>
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    victoria waghorn
founder // filmmaker
punk monk propaganda
a.   the corner shop
    144 henderson rd
     alexandria. NSW
e. v...@punk-monk.com
m. +61[0]412 534 384
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