While not directly druggie, early German Expressionistic films,
particularily Metropolis, have some of the earliest subjective portrayals
of mind-altered states using "flashy over-the-top visual signifiers."

Oliver Stone's "The Doors" has some interesting transitions that sequence
to/from hallucinogenic moments, and Asiel Norton's film "Redland" has a very
interestingly crafted hallucination scene.

"Light is Waiting" and other films by Michael Robinson.

And don't we have to mention Pink Floyd's The Wall and the original Willy
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?


On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Eric Theise <ericthe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Frameworkers,
> I'm hoping to get suggestions for studying the tropes of the trip,
> that is to say, the way hallucinatory and other drug experiences have
> been portrayed on-screen.  Flashy, over-the-top visual signifiers are
> what I seek, but Frameworks excels at identifying examples that aren't
> what the original poster had in mind, so please go to it!
> Examples will be put to experimental purposes, but can come from any
> genre, thanks in advance.
> Hope all of you affected by the Nemo storm are okay and able to find
> beauty in it.
> --Eric
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