Bryan McManus wrote:

> I'm not a well-represented "somebody", not sure if that matters

Alas, it does. My apologies for not being clear enough in the OP. My friend's 
project involves tracing 'the historical development of the documentary.' What 
that means is, in short, that the works to be discussed need to have been seen 
by enough people that they can be considered to have had some influence on the 
development of the form. That could either be due to some formal innovation or 
originality of approach that was followed in some ways by other makers, or 
using existing techniques/styles etc. in a particularly effective way that 
allows the film to connect with certain audiences.

To give an example from NON-experimental docs, I'm going to recommend that 
Kevin consider Ed Pincus's Diaries, although very few people outside of a 
fairly narrow documentary community have ever seen it. But, of course, it was 
extremely influential in all the many different types of diary films that 
folowed. E.G. it sees to me you'd want to connect Ross McElwee back to Pincus, 

(Speaking of diaries, I know George Kuchar made many diary films and videos, 
none of which I've seen (mea culpa). So I don't know how 'documentary' they 
are, or which of his works in that category would be considered the most 
exemplary/seen and discussed/ influential etc. etc.)

You might describe his project as a sort of multi-media version of Barnouw, but 
with a more personal approach - more essay than 'objective' history. Part of 
Kevin's problem is that he's using Barnouw as a resource, and it's woefully 
outdated. I've forwarded him Pat Aufderheide's more recent "Short Introduction 
To Documentary", but as with any overview, she includes some things I wouldn't 
and leaves out some things I'd want discusses. Anyway, I'm just a resource for 
the guy doing the actual project, trying to help him broaden the scope, and 
make it more up to date than, say, 1985. I just thought I'd poll the List in 
search of some perhaps-should-be-obvious stuff that hasn't popped into my now 
senior-moment-challenged mind. And, again, it's not a project about 
experimental-docs, though that would be a good project in and of itself. I just 
think Kevin out to put a little bit of the more experimental side of things 
into his 'big picture,' but in the end he may decide to do little or even none 
of that. Building a good list might help convince him that some attention to 
the more avant garde side ought to be included, you know, before we get to Ken 
Burns (yuchh!).

I do hope no one who has suggested their own films feels slighted. I'm not in a 
position to be judgmental about Kevin's interests. His question is 'how did we 
get here?' not 'what's happening right now.' If the project was something like 
(to borrow an Alan Rosenthal-ish title) 'New Directions In 21ist Century 
Documentary', then I'd be eager to review and forward all your stuff. But it's 

I guess one way of saying it is that the question is probably more up the alley 
of folks thinking in programmer/curator/scholar mode rather than film artist 
mode. Not that these are mutuallu exclusive categories by any means: I do know 
lots of you own more than one hat.


Another note: the operative defintion of documentary here does NOT include all 
work that uses the 'real' world as it's subject. There ought to be some forward 
movement of thought, if not a story, or an argument (essay form), then at least 
a process. (A beginning-middle and end, though not necessarily in that order as 
Godard would say) So, for example, Peter Hutton's films, while being pure 
actualities, are in this sense, not-docuemntaries. This would probably also 
filter out some works that are in the canon of experimental docs, to the extent 
that there is one, such as Bridges Go Round. It's a great work, but it doesn't 
really GO anywhere, if you know what I mean.

And again, for the purposes of the project, the works have to be readily 
accessible in video form. And did I mention that this is a project that has no 
budget? So, basically I'm looking for stuff we can borrow from a library, rent 
from Facets/Le Video type sources, etc. For example, let's say I thought there 
was enough narrative development in some of David Gatten's films about the 
Byrds to consider them experimental documentaries. These films have been seen 
widely enough at festivals to be considered part of a broader film/culture 
discourse, if out at the avant garde edge. But David's a celluloid purist who 
doesn't distribute his film work in video form, so, no go. (In truth Gatten 
might be too 'far out' for Kevin, it's just the first example that came to 
mind). There's good and important stuff out there that remains accessible only 
through prints, which for merely pragmatic concerns will have to fall outside 
the scope of the project. This is not only a very limited budget project 
money-wise, but time-wise. Kevin is not an academic and is doing this as a 
'labor-of-love' on the side while holding down a demanding day job...


Anyhow, with those caveats, please do post any examples that may pop into your 
head. And if your head has other things to do, no worries. The operative maxim 
here is "It never hurts to ask..."

wishing you all a happy and productive 2014,

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