The opening of Dziga Vertov’s Enthusiasm (Symphony of the Don Basin) used radio 
transmission in an interesting way.  A parade with a band is shown and the 
sound is present, in synch.  As I remember to make the shot, done earlier than 
when portable sound recording technology was available, the sound person 
carried a cabled mike along side the marching musicians.  The cable ran back to 
the street-side radio station, which live broadcasted back to Moscow (from 
Kiev, I believe) where the signal was recorded on studio equipment.

Vertov often used the image of public address technology (speakers in the 
street, etc.) and technologically mediated public performance of music, etc. 
even in his silent era films.  His sound film, Three Songs of Lenin, includes 
images and sounds of one or more young women listening to the radio, showing 
their connection to the entire nation, and Modernity provided by the state 
(earlier they were shown casting off Muslim veils).

Of course famous radio broadcasts are often used as historical marker clips in 
documentaries (e.g. FDR to Congress—and the nation by radio—about Pearl Harbor) 
and in experimental work such as Bruce Connor’s Report with radio audio of the 
JFK assassination.

Chuck Kleinhans

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