U2 use  Muybridge images in their  video for 'Lemon'.
fergus Byrne

On Friday, May 16, 2014 6:08 PM, Lady Snowblood <snowbloods.para...@gmail.com> 

>Scott Blake created a digital process of aping Chuck Close’s paintings, the 
>‘chuck close filter'. At Chuck Close’s request, he squashed the project. 
>However, an animated .gif he made using Muybridge as a starting point (and the 
>whole weird story) is visible at hyperallergic - 
>the .gif by itself is here : 
>Pablo Garcia used the same Muybridge images as Blake as his starting point for 
>his Profilograph. https://vimeo.com/57607129 He transforms the image set into 
>almost a rotoscoped animation, uses code to redraw it, and then uses that 
>redrawing as a source for a 3D sculpture.
>* * * * *
>Jessica Fenlon
>        artist : poet : experimental 
>blog : vimeo : youtube : twitter : imgur : flickr
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