Two ideas - -

1. One challenge for cloud storage: the data reassembly after crossing a 
The video file can glitch en route to the server, or while being downloaded 
from the server.
Data packeted to move through a single bus to the external drive isn’t bouncing 
around the ‘net …
There’s a reason I’ve built ‘upload to youtube & redownload’ into some of my 
‘screwing with the data’ 

2. Thumb drives now come in very large storage sizes. 
Put an uncompressed digital video file on a thumb drive and put it
in a safety deposit box at the bank. So if your local external drives all die 
in a fire, 
you have your thumb drives in a climate-controlled environment. Label them with
numbers, keep a spreadsheet somewhere on your computer so you know
where everything is.

A photographer friend of mine does this with video; he keeps it all in a fire 
in his studio.


* * * * *

Jessica Fenlon

artist : poet : experimental ~

On Jun 4, 2014, at 12:39 AM, Peter Mudie <> wrote:

> By their very nature clouds dissipate and vanish. I¹ve always felt it may
> only be good as a temporary option - storing the data on external hd¹s
> that can keep up with os upgrades the preferred choice.
> Peter
> Perth
> On 4/06/2014 12:57 pm, "Fred Camper" <> wrote:
>> I've been using CrashPlan for backup, of picture files not video files,
>> but over 1 TB. The initial backup can take quite a while. It seems
>> reliable. For a small fee you get unlimited space. But, they, and the
>> others, only do single backups and advise customers to also backup their
>> files elsewhere. In other words, they don't guarantee they won't lose
>> the files. My solution is multiple external hard drives in two different
>> locations. And you have to keep testing these and keep backing up to
>> these -- even without much use, data on them will eventually get
>> corrupted and the drives themselves will fail. So I transfer the files
>> fresh from my computer every so often. If I couldn't fit all my files on
>> my computer, as formerly, I would re-record them from one to the other.
>> If you use Western Digital hard drives they have a program that runs
>> extended tests on their hard drives to look for flaws, so I use that too.
>> Fred Camper
>> Chicago
>> On 6/3/2014 7:55 PM, Chuck Kleinhans wrote:
>>> Does anyone here use a cloud strorage service for backup for their
>>> digital video files?  Do you know which cloude storage services are the
>>> most reliable?  Any to avoid, that are unreliable?
>>> Chuck Kleinhans
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