Segal tells us this too, right before she tells me something I can't verify:

> With the exception of the last image, each shot is two minutes and forty two 
> seconds long (the equivalent of one camera roll, approximately 100 feet of 
> film). Each voice-over begins fifteen to twenty seconds after the new 
> photograph appears, precisely the amount of time permitted before the 
> photograph’s destruction visibly begins. 


On Mar 5, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Dave Tetzlaff <> wrote:

>> each segment has a slightly different length. 
> About ten years ago, I was showing (nostalgia) in class, pondering the 
> duration of the shots, looking at a watch occasionally as the edits went by, 
> and I had a kind of revelation: Each shot is a 100' load. I don't know if any 
> one's written about that one way or the other, but (if true) it would be a 
> kind of obvious conceptual match - one still photo burned shot with one spool 
> of movie film. 
> Exposed and processed 100' loads only contain approximately the same amount 
> of usable image. If HF loaded/unloaded under light, the leaks on the head and 
> tail snipped off would be different, and even if he used a darkroom, getting 
> the camera threaded will take up slightly different lengths off the head. 
> Finally, depending on where he got the stock, 100' loads might not be exactly 
> 100', or exactly the same.
> So, the algorithm component wouldn't be 'each shot is [X} feet' or '[X] 
> duration on screen', but 'each shot is all the usable footage that came out 
> of one load of an MOS camera'. Quite elegant, if that's indeed what it is...
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john muse
visiting assistant professor of independent college programs
haverford college


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