I agree with this.  I don't  see a problem with kickstarter links, as long as they aren't  too repetitive and pushy, and they fall within experimental or independent film.   We all have the choice to click on the link or delete it, so unless the listserve gets overwhelmed with kickstarters, I can't see a problem. 

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From: jihalp...@gmail.com
Sent: December 23, 2016 11:51 PM
To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com
Reply-to: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Feature 16mm FILM Kickstarter

In most of my experience, the administration of this listserv (by Pip) is fairly hands-off, letting the consensus of the group decide on matters like this. I haven't seen anyone ask specifically about fundraising/kickstarters recently, but when I asked the group prior to launching one for a festival I was working on in 2011, most people were favorable, as long as the projects were likely to be of interest to and supported by most of the community, and as long as the pitches were not of the pushy type.

Of course, this seems like a collective decision that is always up for revisiting, and we seem to have one vote against so far. I'll chime in to say "OK by me."

For what it's worth, I've grown to accept these as part of the listserv (I've been a member since about 2002), and usually find them completely benign. Ben's posts have fallen cleanly into this category (for me), since he's just posting a link and some photos, and asking people to check it "if you're into independent film."

-Jason Halprin
FrameWorks mailing list

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