I can't resist a reply, though admittedly a bit off-topic: Willie Sutton always denied having said this. Apparently a reporter made it up. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Sutton

His actual reason for robbing banks is much more interesting: "I loved it."

I agree that one cannot object to a kickstarter link. But the "ecosystem" of FrameWorks has evolved from a list that used to have some actual discussions on it, however idiotic (and I include some of my own arguments in "idiotic"), however nasty, about real issues of cinema and art, to a list that consists mostly of self-promotions and questions on the order of, "Can anyone give me a list of films that include bunny rabbits," with no further explanation as to the reason for the query. Is this not in keeping with our current culture, in which everyone is absorbed in themselves, their business, their money, their feelings, and in what others can do for ME? Our elections go the same way. People vote on their highly personal emotional response to a candidate, rather than by studying the issues, and trying to objectively assess the candidate's qualifications.

"I loved it." Perhaps one should find a way to do something one loves, with or without money.

But no, I am not objecting to those easy-to-ignore Kickstarter links. Interesting though how the evolving Web has made something easy that no one would have considered earlier. I have trouble imagining a FrameWorks post in the pre-Kickstarter days stating, "I need money to finish my film. Please send me some. Here's my address. I'll send you a T-shirt in return." The current Web has made us even more self-absorbed, it seems.

In the spirit of holiday giving,

Fred Camper

On 12/24/2016 9:32 AM, Scott Dorsey wrote:
Indeed.  I am not offended at seeing kickstarters, but, well, I don't have any
money.  If I did, I'd finish my own film about a girl trapped on the moon.

Somehow I don't think sending to a list of artists is an effective way
to find financial backing.  I am reminded that Willie Sutton was once
asked why he robbed banks and he said, "because that's where the money is."
If you're looking for investors, go where the money is.

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